
Tag Archive: photographing children

Frustrated in my sick bed

June 1st, 2012 admin Blog No comments

SistersI am so excited to be in the throws of setting up Alice Rose Portraits, but have had a frustrating week with a chest infection, and therefore have been unable to get out and snap away.  Since we’ve been enjoying such fab sunshine lately, I’ve been loving the early evenings here and have had my camera permanently attached to me whilst I drag my children out to some of the amazing spots near to where we live. My poor family are long suffering, especially with a photographer for a dad, and I admit I have to bribe them now to get them to join me, but they are all so supportive of my passion, and I’m so lucky to have such fantastic and willing kids!

So, tucked up on the sofa all week, all I’ve had to do – besides trying to get this website together – is read.  I’m reading a great book  by Ginny Felch called ‘Photographing Children’ which is really inspiring, and filling my head with so many ideas that it’s fit to burst!  Feeling a touch better after dinner last night, I persuaded my two girls after their bath to let me photograph them …the eldest felt a bit shy about this, but after a little bribery she soon came around.  I love how their skin looks so perfect and their hair tangled together makes them look so much like sisters, yet  they are each displaying their individual personalities as well.  I did try to persuade my son to join in, but being a 10 year old boy it really wasn’t happening, bribes or no bribes!

So back to my sick bed until I’m ready to get out there again. I have a few children lined up to photograph next week and so many ideas for them, so until then I’ll just have to sit patiently.

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