It’s so nice to be back and raring to go with the photography again, as not only did my being ill keep me away but the weather also took a turn for the worst last week. Not that I’m a fair weather photographer, in fact I was thankful of the overcast days in favour of the harsh sunshine, but it’s the rain which always ruins the day, and it seemed to be raining on the days I’d planned to go out with my camera. I’ve been at too many weddings in the pouring rain to rush out in a hurry…although you can get some amazing photographs it has to be said!
I managed to get siblings Austen and Emily out on a fine afternoon, however, which was really great fun. I love Austen’s skater style which had me frantically searching for a more urban location to photograph him in, as I didn’t think the pictureque natural surrounding of Kirkcudbright would suit him somehow. I had a few spots in mind, but after taking a cycle down Dee Walk which is where local businesses are based I found some great locations. This was much to the amusement of the men who work there, as when I asked if I could come back and take photo’s later on they looked confused, as if to say BUT WHY?! It’s certainly not an attractive spot, but there are so many doorways and industrial backdrops which suited the look and feel I was going for with Austen so I was really happy. Even better, right across the road you have the estuary, with the beautiful reeds and wrecked boats. It’s one of my favourite locations, and one I might have to stop using for a while for fear of overdoing it, but it was perfect for Emily.
Emily is quite shy, so this was another challenge for me as I wasn’t sure how she would respond to the whole experience. I have to say though, that both kids were lovely and so easy to work with. I was really pleased with how the photo’s came out and can’t wait until the next one…
Tags: photograph, photographer, photographs, photography, photos