
Tag Archive: portfolio

Teenage Kicks

January 6th, 2013 admin Blog No comments

Happy New Year to you all.  Once again it’s been too long since I have posted on my blog, and one of my new years resolutions is to make sure this is kept more up to date, so here goes my first post for 2013.

I’ve started the year with such a renewed excitement for Alice Rose, and am full of ideas. One of the new changes I’ve made is the introduction of Teenage Portrait Shoots, as I think the fact I focused upon children meant that older teens felt they might not be included in this category. I have done a few shoots of this age group, and must admit that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed each one.  Although I love the unpredictability of young children, I have also enjoyed the opposite with teens, the fact that they take direction so well, and you can go for a more pre-planned image in a more controlled environment. Variety is definitely the spice of life, and I’m bursting with ideas and am ready to get started again.

The latest shoot was with a teen who needed a portfolio for the acting school she was being auditioned to attend.  It was a wonderfully crisp sunny afternoon in early January, and I was so pleased with the results, as was she!  Here are some images from that shoot.

The price for a teenage shoot is £75, and this covers up to two teens at a time for up to 2 hours session time. You can find more information on the site, on the Sessions and Prices page.

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