This shoot was arranged as a special request by a friend of mine, to be done as a surprise for her daughter and son-in-law who shared a milestone birthday this year. She wanted her grandchildren to be photographed, then to be able to hand over the code to their private online gallery at their party, something which the two kids were really excited about. I jumped at the chance and arranged to meet up with them all as soon as it could be arranged.
P & A are such fantastic kids, it has to be said. I’ve never laughed so much, or experienced kids laughing during a shoot as much as they did. They seemed to really enjoy our little session, not only as they were stars for the day, but also because it obviously had such great meaning to them given its intent. P was particularly keen on finding fame with the photo’s, asking me if I could get the images into any of the big glossy magazines….I said I could do better, and put her image on my publicity postcards and website, which she was more than happy with, thankfully!
The birthday has been and gone, and I’ve been told that the parents were really blown away with the photo’s, and the fact that their two children managed to keep it a secret for so long. I’m so pleased it all went to plan. Here are a few of my favourite shots from the session.
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