Some of you may remember a newborn baby I photographed early 2013, in fact, it’s very nearly a year ago to the date. Morgan’s mum decided that she wanted to do a few separate sessions at different stages throughout his first year, so that she could compile them all in a coffee table book to mark his first year. This is such a great idea, as babies change so quickly in that first year, it’s nice to capture moments to be cherished forever.
I met Morgan and mum on a fairly dreich afternoon in Kirkcudbright. We lay down a blanket, surrounded Morgan with toys and let him play, after which mum got involved. The interaction between them was lovely, as he laughed and shouted with delight, and gave me lots of opportunites to get some great pictures. We had hoped to go onto Broughton House Gardens afterwards, but babies have a way of letting you know when they’re done!
Here are some of my favourites from the session.
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