
My favourite time of year

September 14th, 2017 admin Blog No comments

I just love the Autumn! I make no bones about it, it’s just the most perfect time of year for so many reasons.  First of all, the colour is just gorgeous. The rich reds and golds of the trees, and the blanket of leaves on the ground adding to its general gorgeousness. Then there’s the beautiful light which isn’t as harsh as the summer months, with the added bonus that the ‘golden hour’ isn’t so late that it’s unthinkable to arrange a photoshoot during this time. Then there is the fact that everyone starts to bundle up in layers, scarves, hats and so on.  I could go on and on…..

Here are some shots from last Autumn to illustrate my love for the season.  And if you feel that you’d quite like to book a session with me in October and November, please get in touch and I will give you the available dates.  🙂

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