
Nursery School Shoot

July 5th, 2015 admin Blog No comments

Although I’ve enjoyed some fantastic shoots this year so far, I have fallen a little behind with the blogging it has to be said.  I did, however, feel that this particular session was worth sitting down and blogging about, as it was something a little different for me.

I was approached a few months back from a nursery school manager, asking if I would be interested in taking the kids photo’s. She explained that they encouraged their children to interact with nature and were often taking them outdoors to explore and have fun. For this reason, she was looking for a photographer who could capture the kids in this kind of environment, rather than the usual sit-down indoor ‘school’ style of photography.  This was so up my street that I couldn’t refuse the job, so a date was agreed.

The day itself was a gloriously sunny day. Giles and I turned up at the beautiful gardens near to the nursery, which had been adorned with bunting, blankets, teepees and toys. It was my perfect setting, I really couldn’t ask for more.  I set Giles on the task of capturing the kids playing in a more candid fashion, something he is used to when photographing weddings, which left me the task of trying to get a portrait of each child. I set up two chairs behind a bush which separated me from the rest of the group, then one by one the children were walked around to have their photo taken. Some were full of excitement and anticipation for their turn, whilst others were hard to pin down, and a few were not wanting their photo’s taken at all. As you can imagine, each child would be very different as we were dealing with babies up to four year olds, some shy, some confident, some not possibly feeling their best…it was a case of trying to form some kind of connection with each child and taking their photos as quickly as possible, before moving onto the next one. For some kids who wouldn’t sit still, I found that their parents holding them up in a nearby tree worked wonders, other kids loved to sit on the daisy covered grass whilst some wanted to lie down.  This really was a case of being really flexible and adapting to each child’s personality, which I found really interesting (albeit exhausting, it has to be said!)  All in all, I really enjoyed the day and have had great feedback from the nursery manager and some parents.

Here are a few photo’s from the day.







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