We’ve had the most amazing weather here over the past few days. Following a gorgeous, sunny day on Thursday which was looking like Spring had arrived, snow began to fall on the Friday, and it fell and fell, and didn’t stop falling for well over a day and a night. Anyone who knows Kirkcudbright will appreciate that any snowfall here is uncommon as we are so near the coast, and even when it does snow here, it rarely stays for long enough to be fully enjoyed. This weekend we ended up with about 12 inches of the white stuff, and even better, it was the powdery snow which meant snowmen were a doddle to make. We have seen such an array of snow sculpture around the town over the past couple of days, the kids have had a ball making them, sledging and having snowball fights (as have some of us adults too!)
Unfortunately, my kids have been sick for most of the week, so we didn’t get to enjoy the snow as much as we would’ve liked. I did convince my youngest today, however, to come for a walk into town with me. Armed with a camera we set off, and on the way we stumbled upon a pussy willow tree with its new furry buds. It’s little reminders like this which make you realise that this is actually Springtime, and not winter as it feels right now. I just hope those poor little flowers and shrubs which were starting to make an appearance will survive this cold spell. As much as I love the snow, I’m really looking forward to seeing some colour to brighten up the landscape.
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